How well do you know America’s Presidents? Here are 15 Questions to test your knowledge


    On April 30th, 1789, the United States of America elected its first-ever American president, George Washington. He stood on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York and took his oath as an office-bearer. The country has come a long way as they near their 59th presidential elections this year. You may know everything about the current American president and candidates. But, let us test a little bit of your knowledge about the former ones. 

    Here are 15 questions to test how well do you know America’s presidents.

    Check out some of the most scandalous presidential affairs!

    An image of American president, John F Kennedy
    John F Kennedy

    • Question of

      A vice-presidential candidate had a cocker spaniel named Checkers. Who was it?

      • Spiro Agnew
      • Richard Nixon
      • Hubert Humphrey
      • Adlai Stevenson
    • Question of

      How many women have stood for the position of vice president as a Republican Party or Democrat nominee?

      • Four
      • Two
      • One
      • Three
    • Question of

      Two, out of 56 men who signed 1776’s American Declaration of Independence, became future presidents. Who were they?

      • John Hancock and Andrew Jackson
      • Benjamin Rush and James Monroe
      • George Washington and James Madison
      • Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
    • Question of

      Who took part in the second set of TV presidential debates after John F Kennedy and Richard Nixon?

      • Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford
      • Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater
      • Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale
      • Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey
    • Question of

      Who was the first American president to live in the White House?

      • Abraham Lincoln
      • George Washington
      • John Adams
      • Thomas Jefferson
    • Question of

      Who became president after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln?

      • Grover Cleveland
      • Theodore Roosevelt
      • Andrew Johnson
      • Ulysses S. Grant
    • Question of

      Which of the following presidents was also an actor?

      • Ronald Reagan
      • John Adams
      • Woodrow Wilson
      • Theodore Roosevelt
    • Question of

      Which president signed the Louisiana Purchase?

      • Thomas Jefferson
      • George Washington
      • James K. Polk
      • John Adams
    • Question of

      Which president served for the most prolonged period?

      • Thomas Jefferson
      • Grover Cleveland
      • Franklin D Roosevelt
      • James Madison
    • Question of

      How was Eleanor Roosevelt, President Franklin D Roosevelt’s wife, related to President Theodore Roosevelt?

      • Daughter
      • No relation
      • Niece
      • Second Cousin
    • Question of

      Which of the following presidents was associated with the Teddy Bear?

      • Ted Kennedy
      • Theodore Roosevelt
      • Richard Nixon
      • Woodrow Wilson
    • Question of

      Since 1880 several US presidents sat in the Oval Office behind a piece of furniture called the ‘Resolute Desk’. Why is it called so?

      • It was a gift from a logging town named Resolute
      • President Hayes’ wife nicknamed it
      • The wood came from a giant redwood tree known as ‘old Resolute’
      • It was made from the timbers of a ship called Resolute
    • Question of

      Who was the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms?

      • Ronald Reagan
      • Grover Cleveland
      • Woodrow Wilson
      • Theodore Roosevelt
    • Question of

      Which U.S. President signed the treaty to purchase Alaska from Russia?

      • James Buchanan
      • Andrew Johnson
      • Andrew Jackson
      • Ulysses S. Grant
    • Question of

      Which President first appeared on TV?

      • Franklin D. Roosevelt
      • Harry S. Truman
      • John F. Kennedy
      • Dwight D. Eisenhower

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